12/11/2014- Killarney MD
Question: Why are we not getting a follow up on all our Motions from the last meeting?
Reply: All notice of motions are followed up on after all meetings, Please identify any Notices of motion wherein they have not been followed up and we will endeavour to provide a comprehensive response.
28/01/2015- Killarney MD
Question: Can I have an update on the sewers in Kilcummin?
Reply: Kilcummin Sewerage Scheme is included in the Irish Water Capital Investment Plan (2014 to 2016). In recent discussions with Irish Water, the company has confirmed that it is to have all options for the scheme independently reviewed and will select the solution it deems most appropriate.
28/01/2015-Killarney MD
Question: To ask Kerry County Council have we received the money for the Gap Cross and Fossa area roads that I requested last year?
Reply: This location on the N72 National Secondary Road will be submitted to the National Roads Authority for consideration of the provision of Supplementary Maintenance funding.
28/01/2015-Killarney MD
Question: Can I have an update on the estate in Castleisland, Cahereens West?
Reply: The compromise agreement between Kerry County Council and the bondsman was signed before Christmas. This detailed the schedule of works to be done and the legal framework for the undertaking of same. The bondsman contractor dug out the storm water attenuation tanks (one of which had collapsed) and placed stone in them before Christmas. The contractor is on site and works are ongoing.
25/03/2015-Killarney MD
Question: Are we allocating a house in Ballydribbeen for a community centre? Are residents agreeable as houses are so scarce.
Reply: It is proposed that No. 59 Doireann Alainn would be given to Ballydribeen Residents Association as a Community House for the area along similar lines to areas where other communities have taken houses. This would be subject to consultation with residents in the area and receipt of planning for the change of use, if the proposal goes ahead. It is our experience that this type of initiative supports and helps communities develop awareness and community spirit, particularly within large housing developments.
25/03/2015-Killarney MD
Question: Can we, the Elected Members, meet with representatives from Kilcummin regarding the sewers and roads.
Reply: This is a matter for resolution by the elected members.
29/07/2015-Killarney MD
Question: That this Council would be provided with an update regarding Kilcummin sewer.
Reply: The detailed design and contract documents for the Kilcummin Sewerage Scheme are currently being prepared by a Consulting Engineer, on behalf of Irish Water, to enable the project to go Tender. It is the understanding of the Council that the proposed Scheme will consist of a sewer pipeline, the route and details of which have not yet been finalised, to connect to the existing network in Killarney. It is anticipated that the project may go to Tender in 2016.
29/07/2015-Killarney MD
Question: That this Council would be provided with an update regarding Clover’s Lane, Killarney.
Reply: Kerry County Council met with the Gardaí at this location. It was agreed that enhanced public lighting would be a deterrent to anti-social behaviour at this location. These upgrade works will be completed in the next four weeks.
07/10/2015-Killarney MD
Question: What is the up to date position on the provision of a sewer from Kilcummin to Killarney?
Reply: The Scheme is included in the Irish Water CIP 2014-2016. Irish Water has informed Kerry County Council that the Scheme will be constructed. The detailed Design and Contract Documents are to be reviewed / prepared by Consultants to enable the project to go Tender in 2016. It is planned that the Documents will be completed by the year’s end.
07/10/2015-Killarney MD
Question: What is the up to date position on resurfacing Scartaglin village?
Reply: There is currently no plan to resurface the roads in Scartaglin Village, however, they will be considered for inclusion in the next multi-annual restoration improvement programme. It is likely that Kerry County Council will be requested to submit an updated multi-annual roads programme prior to the commencement of the 2016 Programme.
07/10/2015-Killarney MD
Question: What is the up to date position on the Gap Cross resurfacing?
Reply: Repairs to the road at Gap Cross, which was damaged due to the laying of a watermain, will be considered for resurfacing once funding becomes available from Irish Water as part of the funding mechanism for the permanent reinstatement of road opening trenches in the public roads.
07/10/2015-Killarney MD
Question: Have we got money for the repairs to the cutting of the road in Fossa area as a result of laying water pipes?
Reply: Repairs to the road at Gap Cross, which was damaged due to the laying of a watermain, will be considered for resurfacing once funding becomes available from Irish Water as part of the funding mechanism for the permanent reinstatement of road opening trenches in the public roads.
09/12/2015-Killarney MD
Question: Please provide an update on public lighting in Killarney Municipal District.
Reply: Currently Kerry County Council employ two separate contractors for the maintenance of our public lighting assets. Our contractors carry out ongoing patrols of our entire inventory and as a result of this, the required repairs are subsequently carried out. As patrols are a visual check, we cannot guarantee that all faults are picked up, such as flashing lights or day burners. If you have any specific faults that you are aware of, you can inform the Operations Department and we can attend to them, likewise any member of the public can report a fault to either Kerry County Council or our contractor call centre on 1850 372 772. Our contractors are required to attend to faults within ten working days. There were a number of light faults on the Killarney By-Pass which were repaired on the 3rd December. For the Killarney Municipal Area we currently have 19 lights out. Of these, 11 are outstanding and due for repair, and 7 are on hold for reasons such as column knock downs, special components requirements or ESB requirements. 25 repairs have been completed in the last 4 week period and the lights were last patrolled on Friday, 27th and Monday, 30th November. We repair lights in and around the Killarney Municipal Area on a very regular basis. The majority of faults are blown bulbs, however there are faults of a more serious nature which may require specialist parts to be ordered. Currently we are repairing faults as they are logged. Again, if you have any specific faults that you are aware of, please inform Operations Department and we can attend to them
12/02/2016-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update on overlaying Scartaglin Village as it is in an atrocious condition?
Reply: It is not proposed to overlay Scartaglen Village in the Restoration Improvement Programme 2016 to 2018; however it will be considered for inclusion in the Restoration Maintenance Programme.
12/02/2016-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update on flooding so far, what action have Kerry County Council taken to date? This item needs to be kept on the Agenda.
Reply: Details of the extent of the recent flooding are being recorded and will be submitted to the OPW, who are the lead agency for flood risk management and have been tasked by the Government to identify options to mitigate for the future risk of flooding. All of the areas severely impacted by the floods in Killarney and Glenflesk are included in these CFRAM studies. These studies involve very complex modelling of flood predictions, taking into consideration the changing environment, and various assessments on the impact of climate change.
The National Primary Road N22 at Glenflesk, sections of the N72 at Beaufort and the N71 at Muckross had to be closed during these events. Sections of the National Road network, critical for access, will be reassessed with TII.
Many local roads throughout the county were flooded at various times during these weather events and these areas are being assessed. A submission has been for-warded to the Department of Transport Tourism and Sport to repair roads, bridges and drainage systems damaged during these extreme events.
Following these weather events the entire road network has suffered significant damage. Pothole and drainage issues will continue to exist over the coming month. Council crews will focus on drainage and road surface repairs to address these is-sues.
Scouring may have occurred at a number of our bridges but this is difficult to assess due to the high river levels at present. Surveys of these bridges will take place over the coming months.
The Council is also assisting the Red Cross in processing any claims from small businesses for emergency funding.
12/02/2016-Killarney MD
Question: How much money is the Killarney Municipal District giving to the Cork/Kerry Link Bus?
Reply: A recommendation will be included in each Municipal District’s Community Support Fund that €1,500 each be allocated to the Cork Kerry Health Link Bus. A provision of €6,000 has been made in Budget 2016, as matching funding towards any allocations approved by the Members of each Municipal District.
13/04/2016-Killarney MD
Question: Update on the sewer from Kilcummin to Killarney.
Reply: Irish Water has stated that the Design Engineers are due to finalise the Report, which will include the recommended solution for Kilcummin Sewerage Scheme, within a matter of weeks.
13/04/2016-Killarney MD
Question: Update on road overlaying of Scartaglin Village.
Reply: Scartaglin Village is to be resurfaced under the Restoration Maintenance Programme 2016.
15/06/2016- 14/09/2016-Killarney MD
Question: Please provide an update on the sewer from Kilcummin to Killarney.
Reply: Irish Water has informed Kerry County Council that the design of the scheme has been progressed to the point where Irish Water is now carrying out a final internal review of all options. The preferred design will be chosen in a matter of weeks and Irish Water will then continue with the necessary statutory processes, including Planning and land/wayleave acquisition. Irish Water expects that the Planning application will be lodged before the end of 2016, with construction commencing later in 2017, following contract procurement.
15/06/2016- 14/09/2016-Killarney MD
Question: Please provide an update on overlaying/tarmacing in Scartaglin Village.
Reply: The resurfacing works in Scartaglen Village will be carried out before End September 2016 as per the 2016 Restoration Maintenance Programme.
23/11/2016-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update in relation to the laying of new sewer from Kilcummin to Killarney?
Reply: Irish Water expects to apply for Planning Permission for the scheme prior to the 31st December 2016. The project involves the construction of approximately 8.5km of new foul sewers and a pumping station, to connect to the existing sewerage scheme in Killarney. No further information on the route has been made available. The Planning application will include the details of the pipelines.
23/11/2016-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update on all reported Flooding Areas in the Killarney Municipal District area? A lot of work has been done to date this year and a lot more to do.
Reply: The underneath table sets out funding received under Severe Weather Allocations and works are due to be carried out by the end of November.
Separately, Kerry County has completed flood relief works at Tullig, Castleisland to the value of €196,205. These works, which were funded by the OPW, included the raising of a weir at Glanshearoon and the replacement of a Culvert at Tullig under the Cordal Road.
In addition, Kerry County Council is working on a design to protect three houses at Foiladuane, Glenflesk and to replace a defensive embankment at Currow. Should these schemes prove cost beneficial, it is envisaged that an application will be lodged with the OPW for funding in December.
Road Number Road Name and / or
Townland Name Length Cost €
L-7027 Lisheen 50 2,500
L-7027 Lisheen 100 5,000
L-3013 Tooreencahill 50 7,500
R-577 Gortglass 40 10,000
L-11060 Currabanefield 50 10,000
L-3002 Canguilla 10 12,000
L-3002 Carker 10 15,000
L-3006 Scartaglen, Twiss Br. 10 10,000
L-7018 Toornanaunagh 10 6,000
L-7012 Ranaleen 100 50,000
L-7019 Tooreenamult. 10 7,000
L-11064 Ballynahalla 10 8,000
L-7025 Ballynahulla 5 2,000
L-2032 Knockdown 5 4,000
L-3002 Dicksgrove 5 5,000
L-3009 Annablaha 5 3,000
L-11182 Cumeenavrick 50 15,000
L-7059 Foiladown 100 35,000
L-7059 Foiladown 100 45,000
R-570 Glenflesk 15 25,000
L-7058 Clydagh Valley 300 50,000
L-7024 Knocknaboul 15 50,000
L-3015 Mangerton 20 25,000
L-3911 Mill Road, Killarney 10 2,000
L-3911 Mill Road, Killarney 50 15,000
L-3905 Ross Road, Killarney 200 10,000
L-4040 Gap Road, Fossa 100 35,000
R-569 Poulgorm 10 5,000
L-7039 Faha 100 5,000
L-3018 Fossa 30 5,000
L3015 Muckross 110 5,000
L-2033 Knockeenduff 10 5,000
L-11000 Ballymalis 100 10,000
L-11019 Ballinalane 100 10,000
L-3003 Nunstown 75 5,000
L-2019 Ballyhar 20 5,000
L- 2027 Rathmore 50 25,000
R-563 Aghadoe 25 5,000
L-7007 Brehig. 12 5,000
L-3009 Toormore Br. 10 6,000
L-2032 Cloonts Culvert. 12 5,000
L-7017 Knockreagh Culvert. 12 4,000
L-11143 Annaghbeg Culvert. 12 4,000
L-7024 Knocknaboul Culvert. 8 3,000
L-3002 Killeentierna Culvert. 12 5,000
L-2032 Cloonts Culvert. 12 6,000
L-7022 Adraval Culvert. 12 5,000
L-7019 Knockrower 100 3,000
L-3010 Knockanane West 20 15,000
R-570 Dromcarbin 10 10,000
L-3003 Farranaspig 50 7,500
L-7050 Gortahoosh 30 6,000
L-11203 Tomies 30 3,000
L-11005 Lissavane East 50 7,000
L-8001 Boolia 100 3,000
L-11018 Aglish 10 10,000
L-2033 Knockeenduff 70 20,000
L-7034 Rathinane 150 6,500
L-11072 Minish 9,000
L-3907 Ballycasheen 50 15,000
R-569 Loo Bridge 20,000
23/11/2016-Killarney MD
Question: Please provide update in relation to junction at top of Lewis Road onto the By-Pass? Accidents continue to happen at this location.
Reply: We have raised the concerns of the members in relation to the Lewis Road Junction with the TII on a number of occasions. The Junction with the Killarney By-Pass is part of the N22 National Primary Road Network. Any improvement works, including the revision of the road layout, is subject to the approval of and provision of funding from Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). The TII directly determines the locations that will be funded, based on criteria that are set down in their technical standards, and which are ranked having regard to recorded collision data. Whilst the location was not included on the list of schemes approved for design in the current year, we had further discussion with the TII, particularly having regard to the recorded minor injury accidents at this location over the past 5 years. We will shortly be making a formal submission to have this junction assessed.
01/02/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What is update in relation to the taking in charge of the following estates (i) Rossdara, Killarney and (ii) Elmwood, Mill Road, Killarney.
Reply: Rossdara – Unless funding from some other source becomes available, it is likely that a Site Resolution Plan will need to be prepared and agreed by Kerry County Council and also submitted to Irish Water for approval in advance of progressing this taking in charge application. This will take some time to prepare. Should funding be made available under the NTICI Initiative again in 2017, this estate can be considered for inclusion.
Elmwood, Mill Road – Unless funding from some other source becomes available, it is likely that a Site Resolution Plan will need to be prepared and agreed by Kerry County Council and also submitted to Irish Water for approval in advance of pro-gressing this taking in charge application. This will take some time to prepare. Should funding be made available under the NTICI Initiative again in 2017, this es-tate can be considered for inclusion.
01/02/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update in relation to sewer and road from Killarney to Kilcummin Post Office.
Reply: This project, which is being designed to address the wastewater treatment needs of Kilcummin Village, involves the construction of approximately 8.5km of new foul sewers and a pumping station, to connect to the existing sewerage scheme in Killarney.
Irish Water has prepared the necessary Planning Application and is currently mak-ing arrangements for its submission to Kerry County Council’s Planning Depart-ment. It is expected that the application, which will show the layout of the scheme, will be lodged in the coming weeks.
01/02/2017-Killarney MD
Question: When will the works on the lag at the top of Park Hill towards the new cemetery be done?
Reply: The water leak at Park Cross was repaired recently. Further works will take place this week to remove the undulation on a temporary basis. Overlay works will be carried out at this location to rectify the situation permanently in Q2.
01/02/2017-Killarney MD
Question: Why are delivery vehicles still carrying out deliveries within the town of Killarney after midday despite there being a Bye-Law in place stating that they have until 12 noon to make deliveries?
Reply: The Traffic Wardens will monitor the loading bays to ensure that the Bye-Laws for Killarney Town are adhered to.
05/04/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What is happening with the sewer from Kilcummin to Killarney?
Reply: The Planning Application for Kilcummin Sewerage Scheme which was submitted on the 20th February 2017 by Irish Water to Kerry County Council is currently under consideration.
05/04/2017-Killarney MD
Question: Can we receive confirmation if monies have been received in the Killarney Municipal District area for flood relief?
Reply: There has been no monies received in Killarney Municipal District to date in 2017 for flood relief.
05/04/2017- Killarney MD
Question: Can Kerry County Council immediately reinstate the Junction at Cathedral Place (Junction of Mission Road, Port Road and New Street) to the way it was previously.
Reply: Kerry County Council will carry out a preliminary design for the Junction of New Street and Mission Road as per the Killarney Traffic Management Study towards the latter half of 2017.
05/04/2017- Killarney MD
Question: What is being done with the lags in the road on the Killarney side of Barraduff (Calfmount).
Reply: This roadway, the N72 west of Barraduff towards Lissivigeen requires extensive overlay works and has been submitted to the TII for consideration for funding for an overlay. Meanwhile an application has also been made to the TII through the TII Maintenance App for funding to carry out minor repair works at this location. We are awaiting confirmation on both requests. However, Kerry County Council are meeting the TII Inspector in the coming weeks and this location will be brought to their attention again.
07/06/2017-Killarney MD
Question: Update on the road and sewer from Kilcummin Village to Killarney with the exception of Park Hill as this part of the road is about to be done.
Reply: The decision by Kerry County Council to grant permission for the Scheme has been appealed to An Bord Pleanála and its decision is due on or before the 22nd August 2017.
07/06/2017-Killarney MD Meeting
Question: Update on the proposed controlled pedestrian crossing at Athletic Field, Woodlawn, Killarney as it is important in the interest of public safety.
Reply: Vehicular and pedestrian surveys have been carried out at this location on Woodlawn Road and the data is currently being analysed. A decision will be made on how to proceed following the outcome of analysis.
07/06/2017-Killarney MD
Question: Please provide an immediate update on the green area outside the Gaelscoil Faithleann in relation to provision of parking.
Reply: Kerry County Council contacted the school as outlined at the last Municipal District Meeting and the school are satisfied with the parking situation.
26/07/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update on Kilcummin Sewer?
Reply: The decision by Kerry County Council to grant Permission for the Scheme has been appealed to An Bord Pleanála and its decision is due on or before the 22nd August 2017.
26/07/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update on the provision of crash barriers in the Rathmore area as per my previous motion.
Reply: We are still awaiting the TII’s consultants’ Road Safety Inspections report for the N72 National Secondary Route. This report covers the stretch of roadway from Rathmore to Shrone Cross. Kerry County Council will seek to progress the matter with the TII.
26/07/2017-Killarney MD
Question: Have we applied to the EU for monies for flooding and if not, why not?
Reply: Kerry County Council sources all of its funding for flooding from the OPW. We will investigate if there is an EU funding stream available.
26/07/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update on works regarding flooding from Foiladown to Killarney?
Reply: Kerry County Council have finalised their design proposal to protect 3 no. properties at Foiladuane and are in the final stages of discussions with the relevant property owners as regards getting their consent for Kerry County Council to lodge an application for funding to the OPW under the Minor Flood Works Scheme. It is planned to have this application for funding lodged with the OPW in the coming weeks.
26/07/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update on licensing of drones?
Reply: Following a Notice of Motion request at the last Municipal District Meeting, we are awaiting a reply to our correspondence from the Irish Aviation Authority. Since 2015 the registration of drones over a certain size and with a capacity to reach a certain height is mandatory with the Irish Aviation Authority. There is currently a Bill at first stage in the Dáil looking to introduce a licensing system and put this on a statutory footing.
27/09/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What reply have we got from the Minister in relation to our request for a meeting with regard to the top of Lewis Road?
Reply: As previously advised, the Minister has referred this matter to the TII.
27/09/2017-Killarney MD
Question: When is the road at the end of New Street / Mission Road / Port Road Junction being returned to two lanes?
Reply: An assessment will be carried out to establish if there is justification to carry out these works.
27/07/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update with regard to provision of road from the top of High Street to Bohereen na Gown (Dunnes Stores)?
Reply: The Municipal District Engineer is continuing the work that has commenced in relation to this proposal.
27/09/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update with regard to the removal of the speed limits further out on the Tralee Road (to the Tralee side of Madam’s Hill)?
Reply: This proposal will be taken into consideration by Kerry County Council during the Speed Limit Review process.
06/12/2017- 02/02/2018- Killarney MD
Question: What progress has been made in relation to Kilcummin Sewerage Scheme and details on up to date route.
Reply: Kerry County Council’s decision to grant Planning Permission for the proposed Scheme was upheld by An Bord Pleanála in early October 2017. There are some Wayleave issues outstanding. Irish Water has replied to a recent Dáil Question that it plans to go to tender in 2018 and construction in 2019 for the proposed Scheme, the cost of which is provisionally estimated at €2.7m.
06/12/2017-Killarney MD
Motion: What progress has been made in relation to provision of road from top of High Street to the back of Dunnes Stores (Bohereen na Goun).
Reply: Kerry County Council has appointed a Consultant Engineer to prepared Land Agreement / Acquisition, Detail Design, Contract documents, Tender Process and Assessment. It is expected the Kerry County Council will be in a position early in the new year to begin detailed discussion with the landowners.
06/12/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What progress, if any, has been made in respect of moving ESB poles in St. Mary’s Terrace, Killarney.
Reply: These poles are ESB Network poles. Kerry County Council has consulted with the ESB and they advised that there are currently no plans to underground the wires and move the poles at St. Mary’s Terrace.
06/12/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What progress has been made with regard to my Notice of Motion relating to provision of safety barriers on road outside Rathmore towards Shrone Cross.
Reply: As per the previous response from the Killarney MD Meeting of 27th September, Kerry County Council are waiting the TII’s Consultants’ Road Safety Inspection Report for the N72 National Secondary Route. This report covers the stretch of the roadway from Rathmore to Shrone Cross. If it is identified that a crash barrier is required at this location, then Kerry County Council will to progress the matter with the TII.
06/12/2017-Killarney MD
Question: What progress has been made with regard to undergrounding of wires in Rathmore Village.
Reply: Kerry County Council has received funding to the value of €100,000 via the Town & Village Renewal Scheme from the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. It is proposed to use some of this funding to undergrounding of sections of the overhead wires. We are currently preparing designs for the proposed work.
02/02/2018-Killarney MD
Question: Please provide update on slowing of traffic at the new entrance at Muckross.
Reply: This entrance is located on the N71 a National Secondary Road. It is proposed in the upcoming Speed Limit Review to reduce the speed limit at this location from 100km/h to 80km/h. The Speed Limit Review is to be placed on the Agenda for the next Municipal District Meeting.
28/03/2018-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update on provision of road from Dunnes to the top of High Street?
Reply: As per previous update, Kerry County Council have appointed a Consultant to assist in progressing this project. Design work and Land Maps have been completed and Kerry County Council began contacting land owners.
28/03/2018-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update on exit from Countess Grove onto Countess Road?
Reply: A meeting has taken place with the HSE Property Manager. The Agreement is currently being finalised. We will revert back to the members once complete.
28/03/2018-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update regarding Lewis Road Junction?
Reply: Kerry County Council has been actively engaging with the TII in relation to proposals for the upgrade of the junction and the TII have requested a Project Appraisal of the Scheme, in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport guidelines for such projects. This entails obtaining latest traffic count figures and updating the Traffic Model. This work is currently underway with a view to having DTTAS / TII approval of the final proposals in June / July 2018.
Meanwhile the constraints which affect the design of the scheme have been identified and the preliminary design is being developed. A preliminary archaeology assessment is underway. An environmental assessment of the proposals has commenced and screening will be carried out as part of this process. Subject to the outcome of the screening process and receipt of TII approval, it is intended to publish the Part 8 Notice in Q3 2018.
28/03/2018-Killarney MD
Question: Has the Senior Engineer, Mr. David Doyle, replied to Loughguittane School regarding safe parking for the school.
Reply: An improvement plan has been developed for Loughtguittane National School incorporating revised parking arrangements, new footpaths and other works. This proposal was forwarded to DTTAS for funding under the 2018 Low Cost Safety Improvement Works. Funding was not provided by DTTAS for this scheme in the road grants announced in January. This school is not in a Clár area and cannot be submitted as part of the current Clár programme. The Council will continue to seek a suitable source of funding in conjunction with Loughguittane National School. The school has been informed of this.
01/05/2018-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update on Kilcummin Sewerage Scheme?
Reply: Kerry County Council’s decision to grant Planning Permission for the proposed Scheme was upheld by An Bord Pleanála in October 2017. There are some Wayleave issues outstanding. Irish Water is currently in communication with the landowners. Irish Water has replied to a recent Dáil Question that it plans to go to tender in 2018 and construction in 2019 for the proposed Scheme, the cost of which is provisionally estimated at €2.7m.
01/05/2018-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update on providing extra staff for Killarney Town as I have called for this on numerous occasions.
Reply: Kerry County Council are currently processing the appointment of 6 temporary General Operatives on short-term contracts for outdoor staff for Killarney Town. These Operatives will be used mainly to address street cleaning, landscaping and capital projects within the Town. These Operatives will be appointed in the coming weeks.
01/05/2018-Killarney MD
Question: Can we urgently introduce the new speed limits in the Killarney Municipal District area.
Reply: Kerry County Council has completed the Speed Limit Review for the County. This Review was present to the Killarney Municipal District Members at the February 2018 Meeting. Final draft proposals will be brought back to the Municipal District Members prior to going to public display.
01/05/2018-Killarney MD
Question: Please provide an update regarding the pole in St. Mary’s Terrace, Killarney as this is a health and safety issue.
Reply: This was raised at the February meeting and the reply was as follows: “These poles are ESB Network poles. Kerry County Council has consulted with the ESB and they advised that there are currently no plans to underground the wires and move the poles at St. Mary’s Terrace.”
20/06/2018-Killarney MD
Question: What action if any has our Municipal District taken regarding the elimination of plastics? If not, why not?
Reply: During this year Kerry County Council has provided funding towards the conscious cup campaign in Killarney and throughout our office networks. This campaign encourages people to use their reusable cups for drinks instead of using disposable cups with plastic content. Through the Green Schools and the Council’s engagement with greening of various festivals in the County, initiatives are in place to reduce the use of plastic on an ongoing basis.
20/06/2018-Killarney MD
Question: When is it proposed to upgrade Well Lane South as it is in a dreadful condition?
Reply: There are no proposals for upgrading South Well Lane in 2018.
20/06/2018-Killarney MD
Question: When are the Council putting yellow boxes at (i) Lidl and (ii) the Allman’s Terrace side of the Reeks?
Reply: These works are scheduled to be carried out within the next month.
07/11/2018-Killarney MD
Question: Please provide an update on Lewis Road Carpark.
Reply: A Project team will undertake the development of a Masterplan for the Lewis Road/Aras Padraig opportunity site.
07/11/2018-Killarney MD
Question: When are we introducing traffic calming measures in St. Mary’s Terrace as this was promised to be carried out last year.
Reply: Kerry County Council carried out a traffic survey at this location. The results of the survey do not warrant traffic calming.
07/11/2018-Killarney MD
Question: When are we removing the pedestrianisation from Plunkett Street?
Reply: At the Municipal District meeting of 28th March 2018, it was adopted to pedestrianise Plunkett Street all year around from 7pm to 7am.
09/01/2019-Killarney MD
Question: Please provide an update on the Kilcummin Sewer.
Reply: Irish Water intends to invite tenders for the Kilcummin Sewerage Scheme early in 2019 with a view to starting construction later in 2019. Negotiations are continuing with a small number of landowners and while considerable progress has recently been made, all the necessary agreements have not yet been concluded.
09/01/2019-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update on the Bye-laws of drinking alcohol on our streets?
Reply: Bye Laws were developed in 2000 with regard to Prohibition of Consumption of Intoxicating Substances in Public Places by Killarney Town Council. It is intended for management to meet with An Garda Síochána in the coming weeks and this will be an item for discussion.
09/01/2019-Killarney MD
Question: Could we be provided with an update regarding underground wiring in Rathmore?
Reply: It is proposed that the appointed Contractors for the undergrounding works of Gneeveguilla will begin on 14th January.
09/01/2019-Killarney MD
Question: Please give an update on the progress from Bohereen na Goun to the top of High Street.
Reply: Kerry County Council are now in discussions with all the required landowners in regards to this project. Kerry County Council have also met with the appointed Consultants in Mid-December to progress the detail design with the view of preparing Tender Documents (subject to agreement with the landowners).
06/03/2019-Killarney MD
Question: What is the update with the sewer in Kilcummin?
Reply: Irish Water is continuing to advance the design and investigative work necessary to put the proposed Kilcummin Sewerage Scheme out to Tender. Site investigation in respect of the project has been ongoing in the locality over the last two months. Negotiations surrounding land acquisition are also ongoing and when these are completed Irish Water will procure the project with a view to starting construction in early 2020. It is also proposed to arrange a public information briefing on the scheme in the Kilcummin area within the next two months, to update residents on the project and to gauge the level of interest among the community in connecting to the scheme, when complete. Information on the connection process and associated costs will also be available at the briefing.