I was born in Killarney, I spent my younger years between Killarney and Kilcummin so I have a good understanding of the both town and country life. My schooling began in the Presentation Monastery in Killarney followed by a number of years in Clashnagrane National School, Kilcummin. My secondary school years were spent in the Technical College, New Street
My working life began with Liebherr and I worked here for a number of years. I then moved onto Killarney Urban District Council for a while and finally with the Kerry Fire Service where I was Station Officer in Killarney until my retirement in 2005. The Fire Service was my great love and although the work was hard and often heartbreaking, I found it very rewarding. I am very proud of the fact that three of my family are still involved in the Fire Service today.

Political Career
Following in the footsteps of my late father John and my brother Sean, politics has always been in my blood. I was first elected to Killarney Town Council in 1999. I was re-elected in 2004, where I topped the poll, and again in 2009.
Mayor of Killarney in 2010/2011.
Founding member of the Killarney Drugs Liaison Committee
Founding member of the Kerry Life Education Mobile Unit Ltd
Current member of the Killarney Twinning and Marketing Committee
Director of South Kerry Development Partnership.
Past member of the Killarney Looking Good Committee
I have always been completely independent of the party political system and, as such, have always been free to express ideas and support or oppose proposals based solely on my own conscience and my own opinions. I’m a strong believer in fairness and common sense when making decisions.